There are a variety of diseases in the world today. People suffering from numerous diseases and have no cures for most cancers. Peritoneal cancer is a form of cancer. This is a very rare cancer that occurs peritoneum. This is a thin sheet, which is in line with the walls of the abdomen. Women suffering from ovarian cancer, and get this, it is diagnosed the right medication, are those that have been attacked by the peritoneal cancer after ovarian cancer. This disease is found mostly in women.
The symptoms of this cancer is very clear in the early stages of cancer of the peritoneum. They are very difficult to find signs of this disease. It shows no sign of its early stages, and when it begins to grow, and reach the top level, so you can find out this dangerous disease. This is a great disadvantage, that in this modern world of science is hard to find signs of the disease. The symptoms of this disease are very similar to the symptoms of a disease known as ovarian cancer.
Here are some of the symptoms listed on peritoneal cancer:
1: too much blood flow to the vagina
2: the feeling of having met, even if you have a very light meal
3: persistent vomiting
4: loss of appetite
5 nausea
6: permanent weight gain and abnormal
Peritoneal cancer can be diagnosed in several ways. It must first be diagnosed through x-rays or CT alternatives. Yet another method for the diagnosis of this disease is a peritoneoscopy. This analysis of the peritoneum, which allows to know the disease you have or do not suffer from this disease.
These are the main symptoms of peritoneal cancer, and can only be seen when the disease develops in the upper floors. Slowly in your body as the disease progresses, symptoms will be even clearer than before, and they would be even worse.
Peritoneal cancer treatments are available. There are several treatments for this dangerous disease, although the success rate of these treatments are very low but still, as they say that something is better than nothing. Available treatments for this disease include chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy. The treatments are mainly used for this disease and cure patients with these treatments, but the proportion of patients surviving is low.
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